The Student Register

Every CBSE/state board school in India starts with attendance. We all remember raising our hands when teachers called our names. However, as the years have progressed, attendance has moved from registers to digital devices. Now every morning, the eSchools only mark the absent students. The change of checking absent students to present students makes the task of early morning less time taking and more productive.

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Benefits of cloud-based attendance software

These days with the rise of technology, we can get better and better attendance management systems integrated with ERP that automatically calculate and present reports straight on your mobile phone and also. It makes it accessible to all the essential members of the staff.

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The importance of attendance register.

An attendance register is of utmost importance as it not only tracks the presence of students but also acts as a reference to track the irregularities in the system if students are missing any class. The CBSE/State Boards? ICSE schools have their minimum attendance-based requirement for students to sit in the exams. Maintaining regular attendance would help in tracking the student's progress. 

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Essentials of the attendance register format

You can also use the eSchoolApp to manage your attendance and much more. To book a free demo, you can click here

You can go ahead and download the template of the attendance register from the following link.


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