Need for Schools to embrace Digital India and use School Management Tools


This module is mainly used for sending notifications to the app of the school. Notifications like – Homework , Marks or any type of Informational Messages


There are few simple steps which are to be followed to use Notification module. We will learn the notification module by understanding its sub module one by one, also we will provide you step by step process as how to use it.

  • Go to Notifications module, you will see a drop down menu in which you can see the sub-modules of it. The first sub module is Defaulters List .
  • Defaulter list :- This list shows the name of the student whose fees is due up till date. In this segment you can search the defaulter students by using various filters such as :- Class , Months . Fee Business Head or Date (on which the fees is expected).

For ex, if you want to see the defaulter students of III – B whose fees is expected by 31st December 2015. So,

  • Go to Notification>Defaulter List
  • Click on the box near class, and from drop down menu check on III std.
  • Now select section i.e. B
  • In the box near Expected By , enter the date i.e. 31/12/2015.
  • In type, select others.
  • And in business head select all. Then click on GO.

It will process for a while and will provide you with a list of Defaulter Student, with Total Deficit Amount on the top right corner. By using same steps you can view defaulter student of other classes or of the whole school by selecting ALL in Class and Section.

Below you will see a box in which “Select Reminder” is written,and after that there are two tabs:- Cloud and Generate Excel.

This is mainly used to send Notification to the defaulter students. There are three reminders for the students who have not submitted fees.

  • Reminder – 1 :- 15 days prior to the date of expectation
  • Reminder – 2 :- 10 days prior to the date of expectation.
  • Reminder – 3 :- 5 days prior to the date of expectation.

By this parents will get Notification in their app that the fees of your child is due and the expected date is 31/12/2015.

Defaulter list is very useful in keeping track of the students whose fees is not submitted and also to see what is the Total Deficit Amount which is due for school.

Below image shows you the main defaulter list form and the filters. And also the list of defaulters of III – B whose fees is expected by 31/12/2015.

  • Manage groups:- In this segment we can create group (chose bunch of students whom we want to give same information) according to our requirement and send notification to this group related to information which we want to give them.

  • Reports :- In this segment user can check how many SMS are sent by school, its search by range of date.

  • Cloud Queue :- When user sends Notification from the system, it is submitted to the cloud and if the network conditions are stable then it is dispatched and received by the parents in their app instantly. But sometimes due to Network failure it is not dispatched and in the meantime submitted to cloud. So Cloud Queue is basically used to keep a check on the Notifications which are sent from the our system as whether they are dispatched or not.

Users can access this by various filters i.e. Sch No. , Notification type, Start Date, End Date or Message Status.

  • Sent SMS Report :- Just like Cloud Queue is for keeping track of app notification, in sent SMS Report user can keep track of the SMS’s sent from the system. User can see the report for a particular date range of a particular scholar according to their choice. Or they can search by using status filter.

  • If you want to search for a single student then enter his/her scholar no.
  • If you want to search by mobile no then enters parents mob no.
  • If you want to go for a particular date range then enter that range and click on GO.
  • Or you can also search by message status(delivered,pending or failed).

After selecting any of the above filters user can get the report of the above. Users can also Download that report in Excel , PDF or as a Word Document.

And can also see the available SMS Credits (how many sms’s are left in their account.

  • App installation :- Users can keep a track of the Installation of their Android or IOS application by using App Installation segment.

Search according to various filters provided such as Class, Sch No. or App Status(Installed or Not Installed).It will show you a report in which you can see detailed status of app installation. And you can also export the same report in various formats like Excel , PDF or Microsoft Word to keep the same report in your records.

  • Generate :- This is the most useful and one of the most important segment of the eSchool ERP. Using this segment, the users can send various types of Notifications to the parents via APP or SMS.

There are 3 types of notification which can be generated from here i.e. Homework , Marks and Informational.

  • Homework :- The parents can get the idea of what their child has learnt today and what he/she has to do at home. So here is the homework section from which the schools can send the Homework of the student directly to their parents mobile so that the parents can also keep track of their wards activities.
Steps to send Homework :-
  • First select the date as of which you have to send the Homework.
  • You will see list of classes with their respective subjects written alongside them.
  • Enter the relevant homework in front of the relevant subject for all the classes.
  • Click on the checkbox near the class name.
  • After entering all the details, click on Save or Cloud.
  • If you will click on Save ,then it will be saved in our system so you can send it afterwards. Or if you click on Cloud then the notification will be sent instantly to the parents.

You can also import the excel file of the Homework by following the instructions given alongwith the Sample Homework import file.

Download the sample file, enter the homework in the prescribed format and then upload the same file.

  • Marks :- To send the notification of marks of a particular exam, the user can use this segment. Just select the class, the date range or the marks order. Then click on cloud so that the Notification will be sent. User can also generate excel file for marks by clicking on generate excel.
  • Informational :- The main part of sending notifications is keeping the parents informed of the day to day happening in the school related to their child or to any other thing. The informational is used to send basically general info to the parents like activities going on in school, upcoming holidays or emergency holidays, religious or cultural events, or the simple message which school want to convey to parents to have a regular connectivity.

The process for sending notification is very simple.

  • Go to Informational page.
  • You will see three different boxes Scholar Number, Additional Mob No. and Message respectively.
  • Enter the scholar numbers of the students whom you have to send the notification.
  • If you want to send notification to full class or whole school, then go to the red tab which is on top left corner named “Address Book”.
  • When you will click on Address Book tab it will redirect you to Student List Report page , where you can select students by using various filters, and then click Generate Notification in the Bottom.
  • In additional mob no you can enter any mob number whom you want to send SMS.
  • Type the message and then click on Cloud(to send only app notification) or click on Cloud+SMS (to send app notification as well as SMS notification)
  • You can also attach any file like jpg image or pdf document.



Que:-  How we got list of student which fees is due.?
Ans:-  Go Notification, then Defaulter list, choose filter according to your requirement, and send notification by click on cloud button, in this module you can manage group to send notification according to your requirement. 

Que:-  How may we know who install our application (e-school).?
Ans:- Go notification , then app installation, now choose filter according to your requirement and click on GO button, the list will be open who install the app and person’s device information is also be there. 

Que:-  How we generate notification related to homework, marks or other information?Ans:- Go notification, then generate, then for homework choose homework,for marks choose marks, and for other information choose informational, the form will be open which will be you choose now fill the field according to your requirement, and send notification by click on cloud button.

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