Enables the school to display an annual schedule. In this way, it shows for academics, holidays, exams, activities, and assembly topics. Also, multiple other categories in the parent’s mobile.

  • School Calendars are typically divided into various categories. Exam Calendar, Holiday Calendar, Activities, etc. Also, this information is not the same for every class on any given day.
  • eSchool App helps you send only the relevant information to the parents. For instance, on a given day the school might have a funfair for Classes I to V and higher classes. This might be a sports day. eSchool App will show the right information to each parent, depending upon the class their child is studying in. For example, The App home screen shows the next five upcoming events every day. So that the user does not get overwhelmed with the data. The school calendar information is shown to the parents month-wise, week-wise, and day-wise.
  • And that’s not all, with School Calendar, you can define the importance level of an event. The students get automatic notifications for high priority events. After that, on the day of the event and the day before.


Exam Calendar: All the quarterly, half-yearly, class tests, annual exams, etc are shown in this calendar.

Activities Calendar: All activities to be conducted throughout the year are marked in the school calendar. Thus it makes it easy for parents to send respective activity material with the kid.

Holiday Calendar: All holidays throughout the year are marked in this school calendar, So it is easy for parents to plan a holiday.

Academics Calendar: Parents know what academics is going on in school. What is going to be next? And also, if academics are getting covered according to the decided timelines.

Assembly Topic Calendar: As an everyday assembly, topics are marked in this calendar. Parents can prepare their kids.

In conclusion, multiple other categories like upcoming events, sports competitions, inter-school competitions, etc. In this way, it is shown in the calendar. So this can be updated by the school from time to time.


The calendar helps the authority to send only the relevant information to the parents for the kid.

This is to say with eSchool calendar, the authority can define the importance level of an event. The students get automatic notifications for high priority events on the day of the event.

The App home screen shows the next five upcoming events every day. Therefore that the user does not get overwhelmed with the data.

Internet of Things

eSchoolApp system can connect with variety of Hardware devices for data automation. This gives transparent and reliable reports without the need of human intervention for data entry. For more details click here. All hardware offered by us has been extensively tested to work with eschoolapp. For prices please click here

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