

Other Expenses (optional)

Planning is a skill mastered by a few it may seem frivolous at first, but must to every action that you need to plan. Delivering a lecture, you should follow an action plan. Topic you will cover in that session List of references PDF for students to revise

  • Printed RFID/NFC Student ID cards + Card Holder + Lanyard @100 INR  per card. (Inc of GST extra).
  • SMS | Min: 25000 | Rate : 22p| ₹5,500.00
  • 5,000INR per bus towards bus GPS kit (includes one year of data and SIM charges and shipping)  (+ 18% GST extra).
  • 1,000INR  per bus/year towards data charges from the second year (+ 18% GST extra).

Biometric Devices (options):

  • eSSL K30 Pro (only LAN basic model)1 Biometric Machine will be 1 x 6,000 + 18% GST = 6,000+1,080 =7,080/- (Inclusive GST, Server Price and Shipping)
  • I9C (Wi-Fi + LAN + more capacity) 1 Biometric Machine will be 1 x 8,500 + 18% GST = 8,500+1,530 =10,030/- (Inclusive GST, Server Price and Shipping) (1,000 Battery amount optional)
  • SilkBio 101TC only LAN (Face+Bio+RFID) 1x 13500 + 18% GST =  13500 + 2430 = 15,930/- Inclusive GST, Server Price and Shipping)
  • ESSL Silkbio 101TC((Face, RFID, and Fingers) 3 in one device) (WIFI with LAN Facilities) 1 Biometric Machine will be 1 x 15,500+ 2,790(18%GST)= ₹18,290/- (Inclusive GST, Server Price, and Shipping)

Business Address

MR Softwares, Madan Bhawan, 10, Shanku Marg, Freeganj, Ujjain(MP)-456001

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