• Item Master:  Define items by name, unit of measurement, and tag them with autofill categories.
  • Purchase:  Mark purchase of the item along with the date, quantity, amount, and vendor.Issue:  Issue items to members of staff. Hold accountability.
  • Register:  Stock registers  with a single view of purchase, issue, and balance quantity of any item. Searchable by item name or category name.
  • Purchase Details:  View summarized purchase and issue details for each item right from the stock register.


Simplified inventory

When you digitize your inventory, you enlist all that you offer to students it becomes easier to manage and upkeep.

Vendor Management

Once the quantities are In front of you, you can place the order accordingly and maintain a book of all the purchases.

Sales Record

Every sale gets recorded and the stock shapes up accordingly. No matter how old the record is you can find it in your system.

Invoices Attachments

While playing if you can keep the image if of the invoice as a record in the system. This helps you in keeping your record clean and manageable.

Avoidance of Stock-outs and Excess Stock

Stock Management helps you to manage your inventory, trying to maintain the right balance is a challenging task. Holding excess stock, however, can take up valuable warehouse space.

Great Cost Saving

Stock Management allows you to reduce excess and obsolete stock, not to mention the upcoming costs incurred.


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