• Attendance: Manage Staff Attendance by entering information in the system or by importing excel. Import excel is useful in case integration is required with biometric machines or other attendance machines.
  • Holidays: Define staff working days and holidays independently from scholar working days.
  • Leaves:  Record leave with the reason for staff members across a range of days for which leave is applied.
  • Salary Heads:  Define salary heads and classify them as basic, payable, or deductible heads.
  • Define Salary:  Define payables, deductibles, and basic for all staff members. Define date range for the validity of salary. This is helpful to track historical data when the staff receives a raise.
  • Loans: Give loans to staff members and define installments in which it will be repaid. Track the loan history of employees.
  • Salary Payment: Make a payment of salary, in grid-based display with automated calculations of loan installments, payables, deductibles, and CL deductions.
  • PF / ESIC:  EPF and ESIC deductions and reports.
  • Reports:  Generate monthly reports, payslips, and bank letters for employees’ salary transfer. Export options for excel and pdf.


Salary Loan

Configure the Challan receipts for your entrance exams or apply for a live concession. It’s all possible with eschoolApp

Tax Deduction

The fee is already configured; collect the fee receipts would be automatically generated, you can print or send it to the customers as pdf.

Online Payments

For specialist teachers that teach only a few hours per week special rules can be defined.

Defaulters report and expectations

All the records are available with us in terms of repayment and deduction, every record is available for administration.