Need for Schools to embrace Digital India and use School Management Tools

As there is a module for students which contains on and all data and management of students, in the same way there is a module which manages all the activities and stores all the important data of the staff of your school. The details of the staff are entered in the system and all the necessary things like attendance, salary management, payroll, staff duties and roles can be managed quite easily using this module. There are various segments in the staff module. We will understand it one by one.
Highlights of this module’s features can be found here.


  • Manage Staff:- This segment allows you to enter all the details of the staff like name, address, DOB, DOJ, etc.
  • Just open the Manage Staff page.
  • There will be two forms, one is for making a new entry and another one will show you the list of already entered staff members or teachers.
  • If you want to add a new staff, then enter all the specific details related to that staff.
  • Assign what role you have to give to that staff for ex Teacher, Care Taker, Dance Teacher etc.
  • Select which department that particular staff belongs to, like academic dep., non academic dep. or fees dep. .
  • After entering all the details, click on submit.
  • After clicking on Submit you can view the details of the staff in the list which will open in the same page.
  • If you want to make changes in the staff or edit details of a particular staff then you can do that by clicking on the staff id(it is a link).
  • When you will click on that a pop up will appear which will say Manage Salary and Edit Details.
  • So you click on Edit Details. So all the details of that staff member will open in the form, now edit or change whatever you want to change and click on Update.
  • You can also delete that staff entry by clicking on Delete button near the Update button.
  • There are search filters above through which you can search a particular staff entry.
  • Teacher Duties:- Once we enter the staff details in the system then the next step is to tell the system that which subjects is taught by which teacher and what are the roles and duties assigned to various staff.Select the teacher from the dropdown menu whose duty you have to assign.
  • Now select whether that teacher is active/inactive or all. Then click on GO.
  • You will see 3 different drop down below with the heading Class, Section and Subject.
  • Select the class which you have to assign to that teacher, select the section and then the subject and click on Submit.
  • If you want to assign more than 1 class to a single teacher then you can add a new row by clicking on the ADD ROW.
  • Enter all the duties you want to add to a teacher and click on Submit.
  • You can see a red cross sign , which indicates delete sign.
  • If you will click on the cross that particular entry will get deleted.
  • You can also copy teacher duties from previous session to this session by selecting Copy Teacher Duties.
  • Class Subject Duties:- Like in the Teacher Duties you can assign subjects to the teacher, in the same way you can assign teacher to the subjects from this module.
  • Select the class. After selecting the class, the whole list of subjects of that class will appear, along with the list of the teachers in the form of drop down menu in front of that.
  • Just select the particular staff or teacher for the relevant subject.
  • After selecting staff for all the subject, click on submit button below.

Configuration :- The roles and staff departments can be configured from this segment. This segment is very important as it is used to configure the salary heads also. This segment consists of 3 sub segments which we will discuss below.

  • Salary Heads/Templates:- There are various heads and templates under which the salary is calculated and paid to the staff. There are many things like PF, TDS, HRA etc which is to be pre mentioned so that the salary is calculated accordingly. In this sub segment you can select or add various different heads for the salary.
  • You will see 3 different columns, naming Salary Head Name , Order and Pay Or Deduct.
  • Enter the name which you have to give to that head. For ex DA, TDS, EPF or Basic etc.
  • Then give the order sequence.
  • Then from the drop down select whether it is basic salary, payable or deductible.
  • You can also Edit the previously made post by selecting Edit.
  • And also can delete the Heads if you want.

Roles :-  In this sub segment you can add or manage Staff Roles. Just Enter the name of the Role for ex Teacher, Care Taker etc and click on Save. If you want to edit/delete the roles which are already made then just click on that particular name and it will open in Enter Staff Role box. Make the changes and click on Update or Delete, whatever is relevant.

Departments:- Just like staff roles you can also create and configure various departments for ex Academic Dep, Fees Dep etc. It works same as Staff Roles. You can ADD, Edit or Delete the Departments created in the system.

Attendance :- Just like Attendance module which we saw for the students of the school, there is a segment for the same for teachers as well. It provides the users the facility to keep record of the Attendance of the staff members of the school. There are 3 sub segments of Attendance namely – Daily Attendance, Mark Leaves and Attendance Card. We will discuss each sub segment below.

  • Daily Attendance:- As the name says it all, this sub segment is used to Mark the daily attendance of the staff.
  • Just select the date for which you have to mark the attendance and click Go.
  • The list of the staff will open and in front of that there will be various options.
  • In the list there will be Staff Name, Designation, In Time, Out Time, Attendance and Remark.
  • Just enter the In time and Out Time of that staff.
  • Then select the Attendance from the drop down ie P or A.
  • Give remark, if you want to. Then click on Submit.
  • Mark holiday if you want to by entering the details and clicking on Apply All button and click submit.

Marks Leaves :-  Just like we mark leave for students, you can mark leaves for teacher as well if he/she is not able to attend school on a particular day. Just enter the date range of the leave, select the name of the staff and after that mention the reason and click on ADD. If you want to edit/delete then you can select the relevant option and continue.

Attendance card :- Attendance Card issued to the teachers can be maintained and updated using this sub segment.