Role of school principal and administrator :Facilitating school teachers

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. -Peter Drucker”

School principal heads an alive association of teachers, managers, administrators and coordinated by top-level  directors. Generally, the education system is built in such a way that the principal heads the team of teachers and coordinates with the administration to ensure the efficient management of the school and completion of the curriculum. 

Sometimes, it becomes too much and teachers have to take a shouting or two from the school principal for not keeping up with the demands, despite having targets there are better ways of letting the staff member know about the fallacies on their part rather than creating unnecessary stress.

 We try to discuss the ways in which the facilitating the teachers and addressing the issues can take place.

1. Having a plan

As principal, if you are planning your sessions and making the strategy sizeable this will take care of the process, and keep the limits humane for both teachers and students. Students cannot be forced to learn. Learning is a process that is facilitated by teachers and to do that they need breathing room. Follow the ABC approach of planning.

  • Achievable
  • Balanced 
  • Calculated

2. Regular meet ups

The regular meetings ensure that the team is updated and the work flow is ensured, this will prevent the frequent intervention and save you from those awkward random checkups and calling for irregular meetings.

Regular meet ups

3. Being a good listener

Being a principal you become the mentor by position and role you must be a good listener to ensure that you understand the teacher’s concerns correctly and address them in the right fashion without developing any bias. Once heard you can suggest the right and corrective actions as experience are something that a principal has and teachers try to learn from them.

4. Being stern when required

Following a plan and sticking to it is the principals job to ensure that your team is on the right track. You have to be stern and drive the team to accomplish the milestones.

Being a good listener Being stern when required

5. Don’t dictate, lead

Being a leader is definitely different and let the team decide their own deadlines and deliverable. You must outline the start point milestone and the end point and let the team select the route so that you don’t have to worry about the process and teachers can stick to their own process. This in turn will give the teachers breathing space and where they can drive children’s productivity. 

The School ERP solutions can help you in creating lessons plans and assign internal tickets. This creates accountability in the staff and sets the right expectations with the teachers, and you can hold the right people responsible for the delay in the process. 

As a school administrator, you must try to embrace the digital technologies not solely for education but also to understand your staff and streamlining the process.

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